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Fleas: Prevention and Treatment!

The Menace that is FLEAS!
Fleas are a common problem, particularly in summer, but are an issue all year round, especially in Nelson! As kiwis we all love to visit the Bach, or be outdoorsy and especially we love to explore. This means as owners we love to take our animals with us where we can, and let them explore their domain where ever possible. This does present a flea issue! Bach’s are renowned for being full of fleas, lying dormant waiting for that exhale of carbon dioxide, heat from a body and vibrations of movement, laying in wait to jump onto its host!
As well as carrying tapeworms, fleas are very irritating for pets, and can cause an allergic dermatitis. Fleas begin to breed at a faster rate as the weather warms in spring and summer. A female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day, so the flea population can rapidly expand.
Adult fleas on your pet represent only 5% of the total flea population, once you see a flea there are many more on the animal and even more in eggs and larva. Carpets and pet bedding provide an ideal breeding environment for fleas with eggs dropping off the animal into the environment.
Effective flea control requires the use of products that break the flea breeding cycle get rid of the adult population. It’s incredibly important to keep flea treatment up to date so fleas don’t get introduced back into the home and STAY in the home.
At the Vet Centre we only sell safe, effective flea treatments which last, these include Frontline Plus, Seresto, Revolution and Nexgard, providing a variety of convenience factors that work for you and your pet, but they work! Please contact us to purchase or for advice.
Be aware that the products that are stocked elsewhere may still be a cheap alternatives but are potentially not guaranteed in safety and efficacy.
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